Privacy Policy

The website (“Website”) is wholly owned and managed by Azulfit LLC, a company incorporated with its registered address in the United Arab Emirates (“AzulFit” or “We”).

What information does AzulFit collect?

  • your name and contact details
  • some personal details
  • other information that you have voluntarily provided to us


Why does AzulFit collect the information?

We will only use the information collected from you to process your transactions and/or to send regular emails regarding your order. 

We may notify you from time-to-time of products and offers that may be of interest to you. We will communicate with you for promotional purposes only if you want to hear from us. If you prefer not to receive promotional information from us, please let us know by checking on the box at the bottom of your registration page. [please ensure that this box is there at registration/account opening]

Any information that we no longer require is destroyed securely. An exception to this may be retention of the information for legal purposes.


Where does AzulFit collect the information from? 

We collect the information which you have voluntarily provided at the time of account opening and registering with us.


Does AzulFit share information with any third parties? 

AzulFit does not share any customer data to any third parties unless legally required to do so.

Third parties, unrelated to us, may be able to collect information about you from the information entered by you publicly (for instance on the comments sections) on the website or social media accounts. Please remember that we do not have control over the information these third parties may collect. AzulFit is not responsible for the information practices of these third parties.


How can I access my personal information?

You may review, change or delete personal information related your use of our Website and social media accounts. To access your information, please log in to your account.